Hello Everyone,
Here is Mondays workout as proimised. This weeks workout will start at 6:30am as requested by the majority of saturday morning's participants.
1 Lap Warm up
Once you finish your lap turn around and lunge the opposite way until everyone gets back!
Make sure Shelley's legs are breathing at this point if not call 911
Woman makers 5 posts out and back once finished find a nice spot for 30 push ups (3 sets total)
Lateral bounding (use the 5 posts once again all the way to one end then back facing the same direction both ways. THEN FOR YOUR REST
Plank with alternate arm leg reach for 20 reps holding for 2 seconds in the up and down position (2 sets in total)
Leg throws: With your partner 1 persona laying down the other person throws the legs down 20reps 2 sets alternate back and forth.
"T" push ups without the pushup. Yes you heard right. No push up with this one. Just start in the push up position and get onto one hand and foot (feet are stacked) once you are on your side (hand and foot) Lift your leg hold for 2 seconds, back to plank hold for 2 then do the other side... 20 reps x 2 sets Did I mention no pushup?
Gecko pushups: NO PUSH UP FOR THIS ONE EITHER. All I want is the gecko from the top of the push up position 30 reps total (each leg comes up 15 times) 2 sets
Last but not least 6 push ups (over 1 min) designate a time keeper. Do 1 push up and hold for 10 seconds only 6 pushups total = 1 min 2 sets and you are done
Stretch out and have a great day
Your friendly neighborhood trainer
Now as Arnie would say "Which way to the beach?"
Wow! Can't wait, sounds like fun!