Saturday, October 30, 2010

Monday It is

Conditioning camp starts this Monday. We still have some space so let me know if you have any questions or would like any more information.

Where: Bronx Park Community Center 720 Henderson Hwy
When: Monday November 1st- November 26th (12 sessions)
Time 6:15am
Cost: $220.00


Monday November 29th - December 24th Same time, cost and location (12 sessions)!

This is a beautiful new building with change rooms, showers, washrooms (I am putting this all down because we had none of this at the park). The best part... No Mosquitoes!

Monday the 1st will be a partial test day and workout.

All you need to bring is a yoga mat, water, workout clothing, and a skipping rope if you have.

We have available to us...
Various DB's
Exercise mats
Swiss balls (exercise balls)
and a lot of space!

Please let me know if you have any questions as I will be happy to answer them. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you Monday morning.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Take your time!

When eating a meal it is easy to consume many more calories than you need. There is a lag time of 10-20 min before your brain gets the signal from your abdomen that its full.

With amount of cheap fast food we have available to us today (almost on every corner and in between) we can get what we need anytime day or night. Back in the day (Before I was born 30 years ago). Food was relatively more expensive and not as abundant. The amount of obesity today has a huge part to do with the lack of activity we get and fact that we can have 1000 clories in just minutes by heading down to the burger joint getting a juicy burger, fries and a giant pop.

On the treadmill it would take you 100 minutes to burn a thousand calories at an incline of 1 and a speed of 6.0mph (that's a 10min mile). Is it worth it?

Eat clean, eat often, and take your time.

P.S. If that picture excites you, you have problems ;-)

Rumble In The BRONX

Hey Everyone,

It is 100% Confirmed. We will be starting conditioning camp Monday November 1st at the BRONX community center. Camp will begin at 6:15am and the cost is $220.00 for Twelve one hour sessions. If there is enough interest there is the possibility of running a 7:15 group as well.

I need 10 participants to make it run so forward this to anyone who may find it of interest.

I look forward to getting this going again in the beautiful building that we are able to use... We have the luxury of heat (but you will be creating your own as well), along with washrooms and showers if you so choose.

Send me an E-mail to confirm and if you have any questions.

I hope you all had a great warm, sunny, and active weekend.



Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Lets Get Ready To Rumble!

Conditioning camp will begin in November at Bronx park community center 720 Henderson Hwy. We will be starting the 1st week of November (Nov 1st-26th or 3rd-29th Start Date TBA) @ 6:15am.

Cost will be $220.00 for 12 sessions. I need minimum 10 people to sign up for this to be a go. Contact me if you are interested so I can confirm our booking.

I will post some photos of our new location in the next few days so check in if you can. We have this location for 2 months and plan to keep going in January.

Thank you for your patience.


What's in a Name?

Well I have had some great ideas for new names and here they are. Send me some more and Vote (comment on the ones you like). I had some that I could not use due to its content but I will post them anyways.

Read the List once and See what sticks out! I know its a long one.

Keep Precision Power Fitness & Conditioning and just change it up a little

Precision Power Conditioning
Precision Conditioning
Precision Fitness & Conditioning
Precision Fitness

Titan Training (or Fitness) I like the sound of this one. It's kind of midieval. When you look it up in the dictionary you get... A person or thing of very great strength, intellect, or importance.
Dogma Conditioning
Pump it Fitness
Iron Will Fitness (or Training)
Iron Heart Training (or Training)
Performance Conditioning
Dragon Fitness (or Conditioning)
Performance Training (or Conditioning)
Fast forward Fitness
Next LEVEL Fitness
F#C@ YOU Fitness
Iron Athletics
Fundamental Fitness
Momentum Fitness
Progressive Fitness
Platinum Conditioning (or Fitness)
Jet Set Conditioning
Endless Fitness
Infinite Fitness
Eternal Fitness
Extreme Fitness (or X-Treme Fitness)
F.U. Fitness (For U or... You guessed it) Not sure why I was given something like that?
Alpha Dog Training
Precision Plus or Precision +
Embody Training
Mbody Training (With something like an Ironman Logo but a different head)
Performance +
Interval Performance
Gorilla Guru
Bear body or BARE BODY Works

Let me know what you think. I think they are all great ideas but if you had to pick one, just one. Something that stands out then let me know.

Thanks again for all your help and support.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Trail Run

Hey Everyone,

Awesome run to all of those who ventured out this evening in the dark. We had a great run and learned a valuable lesson. BUY A FREAKIN HEAD LIGHT! Everything turned out ok but we did get a little split up. Over the next couple weeks we will work something out to stay together better! It was a beautiful night with the moon out above... If anyone wants to join us meet at the Birds Hill Park entrance (hwy 59) @ 6pm on tuesday's Im sure we still have a couple left!

As for conditioning camp... Well I am playing a lot of tag with people on locations and cant finalize anything until next week with the Wellness so I am still hopefull that we will get something going... I will let you all know when we do.

Training is going great for now. Im starting to get out of this sick slump and am able to push it a bit... Cant wait to be 100%. You never want to go too hard too soon or you will end up run down again.

Have a great evening.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Fighting for weeks

Well training this week has been up and down. I am still under the weather and under rested. When you are run down then its not the time to push it. I have had some great RT workouts this week but tuesday evenings trail run felt way harder than the run at Ironman Canada. we were running 10:30 min/miles on tuesday and I thought I needed to stop. At that point you should stop. Trying to push your body beyond that point you are just asking for something bad to happen. Some signs that may mean that you are run down/under recovered are...

Higher than normal resting heart rate
Higher resting Blood Pressure
Constant fatigue
Unable to train at a level that you are otherwise used to (this is not always an intense level)
Unable to concentrate
Irritable (well more than normal)

Best way to deal with this is to take some down time before you run yourself into the ground! it's 7:38 right now and all I want to do is go to bed.... I think I may give in to that urge.

I have still been trying to nail down new locations for conditioning camp and it is coming to an end. Final details are in the works and we should have a place to call our own soon. Which place is that you ask??? Well it one of four and it keeps narrowing itself down. I will have a few of the places marked down on monday or tuesday.

Finaly to add in some different ideas for training here is a good article on coaches clip board I read today. It talks about how much cardio someone should normaly do. Well there has been a lot of debate in the past few years and now scientistis are saying 60-90 min of cardiovascular exercise/day (up to 6 days/week) for individuals wanting to lose weight. Now if someone is starting out you must ease into your workouts and build up to this amount of time. If you dont have a lot of time for your workout higher intensity and shorter duration is the way to go. If you have the 90 min then the lower intensity is where you should be to last longer.

Here is the article

Stay tuned as I will post some of the great ideas I got for the NEW PPF&C Name and my race report for Ironman Canada! (Tomorrow)

Have a great weekend and get outside!

Group Ride

Tribalistic Ride,

Here is an open invitation for a group ride tomorrow morning.

Hey Everyone, Dont forget the group ride tomorrow @ 9:30am Starting at Birds Hill Park East Beach. We have reservations @ Pine Ridge for 1pm so come for lunch after the ride. This may be the last weekend to get out on the roadie! It may also be a good idea to have to running shoes out for a quick jog around the lake.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Should I workout or should I recover?

Well today was one of those days when you are run down form the week, tired, and just not motivated. Three 15hr days will do that to you.

Well I had resolved to do nothing and as I sat there with the sun going down I decided to jump on my stationary trainer and see what happened. Like I had mentioned I was ready to fall asleep at 6:30pm so this was a tough one. I threw on the 2009 Ironman World Championship DVD in Kona (always a great motivator) and banged out a 45min ride followed by a 15min straight set of kettle ball exercises that was non stop form one side of the body to the other. After that I added an 8 min core set and a stretch. I felt so much better afterwards. Sometimes all you need to do is get moving and that's all it takes.

I once heard a quote by a famous violinist who said "The hardest part about practicing is opening the case". In most of our cases it is getting out of be when you hear the alarm, putting those running shoes on at 6am, getting out the door when its this dark outside (until 7:15am).

ACSM Guidelines say that its ok to exercise in your aerobic zone while sick if the symptoms are above the neck. NO THRESHOLD WORKOUTS. Limit your time to 2hrs max (if you happen to be someone who puts in high mileage or lots of aerobic activity) You should be able to get a good sweat going either way. If it doesn't feel good then stop, but at least you tried.

Have a great long weekend and a great thanksgiving. Think about how much you are eating on the weekend and how long you would have to run in 1 straight workout to burn it off... Is it worth it?

Train Smart

P.S. Here is a great motivational video if you want one Tomorrow is the Ironman world Championship in Kona!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

So much to do in so little time

Well, Its been a while and there is a lot going on... Too much. Business ideas, Training ideas, Goals, Thoughts, Dreams, and keeping them all straight and organized. Now the task at hand is to make them all work out and come together so that everything is seamless....

Balance is the one thing that we are all looking for. In life, family, work, play, and training. If you want something bad enough and you have to go out and get it. If you work for it, you deserve it. We all have goals. We all desire something.... Are we willing to take that step to go out and get it? Well lets start planning!

I am keeping this site as a way to reach out and share experiences.
1. Clients who want to keep current with workouts and training info (camps etc)
2. For those with fitness related questions who need some guidance
3. And for me to share my training experiences and battles with anyone interested in reading them.

I just heard an interesting quote today...

"Training is like fighting with a Gorilla. You don't stop when you're tired. You stop when the Gorilla is tired"

Lets see where this goes...