Sunday, March 24, 2013

Cycling officials needed!

Hi Everyone,

Could you please post the following information on your blogs, Facebook pages, websites, or forward this email to as many individuals on your contact list as possible. We need every possible outlet to get the word out.  It is likely some of you will receive multiple versions of this request but we need to act quickly as the race season starts in a month.  

Manitoba now has a Provincial Level Commissaire for road and cyclocross.  Arlene Woodcock completed this training this past month and I congratulate Arlene on this accomplishment. The goal for 2013, now that we have access to a local Commissaire trainer, is to increase our pool of officials. 

Those of you who have been around the community for many years, or even just a few years, will recognize how critical commissaires are to a smooth functioning race.  Likely you've also noticed how the same individuals man these posts from race to race.  The Manitoba Cycling Association, (OK -- I'll use the word), DESPERATELY needs more trained commissaires to officiate our races for our Road and Cyclocross events and Arlene is running a course aimed for both race disciplines over two Saturdays in April (6th and the 13th).  

Without Committed cycling officials there would be no races.   

So if you love bike racing or you love someone who loves bike racing and you are interested in helping out at races in an official capacity (or know someone who might be) please consider attending this course on April 6th and 13th.  You have until March 28th to declare you interest and further details on signing up can be found here:


Kim Mitchell
MCA Road Coordinator