Hey Everyone,
I am starting to feel better after Ironman Wisconsin. I was doing some fun workouts and races afterwards but have just been feeling flat. I felt like I didnt have that extra gear but now that I have a rough idea of what next year is going to look like I have started putting some plans and training into action.
I have put together a weekly routine that I will be following and changing my schedule accordingly.
I Have planned 3 Runs a week (Sunday long, Tuesday some speed work, and Thursday a medium distance run at a faster pace with some strides to remind the legs what it's like to run faster).
I found that running longer for me = running slower. To not have this happen again I must keep to my focused workouts and not slack on them.
I will be swimming 3 x a week 2 times with Triathlon Manitoba on Monday's and Wednesday's and 1 other session on my own or with Masters. Getting faster in the water is my goal for this year and know I will need to bump up my pool times to do so.
3 strength/Metabolic training workouts a week is also on the schedule. Monday, Wednesday & Friday along with some time for Yoga.
I am still out biking but not as much as over the summer. I am down to 2-3 bike sessions a week and the volume is a lot less too. I try to commute and take the long way or ride to training appointments but sometimes that doesnt always work out with my schedule.
Now is a good time to sit down and look at what you have going on and what you can fit in where...
Here is a cool video I found on YouTube... There is always good stuff on there.
Keep moving